I don´t wanna be sixteen

I don´t wanna be sixteen

I don´t wanna be sixteen

It´s just six six six and the teens


I just love the way you´re running out of time.





Please forgive me

Please forgive me

Please forgive me


Just let me kill you for a while

Just let me kill you for a smile

Mirror Mirror Mirror






Oli tarkoitus kertoa näistä päivistä, mutta taidan jättää tarkemman setvimisen pidempiin öihin.

"Ei olla nähty pitkään aikaan. Miksei mentäis kaupunkiin, tehtäis kaikki niin kuin ennenkin?"

Mutta kukaan ei kysy suoraan.


Never thought I´d get any higher

Never thought you´d fucked with my brain


"Nothing can go right with me...

Must be that Ive been smoking,

too long."



I got dosed by you and...

closer than most to you

in you a star is born and

you got a perfect home***

so take it away I never had it anyway

take it away I never had it anyway


This never really ends.


Then make me miss you

Then make me miss you

Then make me miss you like hell